According to the information and allegations that came to our news center, HBY (30) cut his wrists on the balcony at night.The body of the young man, whose family was out of town, was found by his relatives in the morning.In the Çaycuma district of Zonguldak, a person was found dead on the balcony of his house with his wrists cut.The incident occurred at night in a house on Nihat Kantarcı Street in the district.According to the information and allegations that came to our news center, HBY (30) cut his wrists on the balcony at night.The body of the young man, whose family was out of town, was found by his relatives in the morning.Police, 112 Emergency Service and crime scene investigation teams were dispatched to the scene.The person's lifeless body was taken to the Çaycuma State Hospital morgue after the public prosecutor's examination.The investigation into the incident is ongoing.04 Sep 2022 - 23:05 - Public Security PrintYour comment is unfinished, click on the comment above to continue, click here to deleteRed fields are missing or entered incorrectly.Please correct these fields and resubmitThanks for your comment, it will be reviewed and published as soon as possible.By posting a comment, you agree to Gaziantep's Messenger Community Guidelines and you assume all direct or indirect responsibility for your comment.Gaziantep's Messenger cannot be held responsible for the comments written.All the news served by Anadolu Agency (AA), İhlas News Agency (İHA), Demirören News Agency (DHA), Anka News Agency (ANKA) are published as they come from agency channels, without any editorial intervention by Gaziantep's Messenger editors.The legal addressee of the news transmitted to our site through the agencies is not Gaziantep's Messenger, but the agency that reported the news.Sign in now, save the hassle of typing a name and email on every comment.If you don't have an account to sign in, click here to create one.By posting a comment, you agree to Gaziantep's Messenger Community Guidelines and you assume all direct or indirect responsibility for your comment.Gaziantep's Messenger cannot be held responsible for the comments written.All the news served by Anadolu Agency (AA), İhlas News Agency (İHA), Demirören News Agency (DHA), Anka News Agency (ANKA) are published as they come from agency channels, without any editorial intervention by Gaziantep's Messenger editors.The legal addressee of the news transmitted to our site through the agencies is not Gaziantep's Messenger, but the agency that reported the news.© Copyright 2022 Gaziantep's Messenger All Rights Reserved - Data PolicyTerms of Use +90 (530) 461 99 27Your comment is unfinished, click on the comment above to continue, click here to deleteRed fields are missing or entered incorrectly.Please correct these fields and resubmitThanks for your comment, it will be reviewed and published as soon as possible.By posting a comment, you agree to Gaziantep's Messenger Community Guidelines and you assume all direct or indirect responsibility for your comment.Gaziantep's Messenger cannot be held responsible for the comments written.All the news served by Anadolu Agency (AA), İhlas News Agency (İHA), Demirören News Agency (DHA), Anka News Agency (ANKA) are published as they come from agency channels, without any editorial intervention by Gaziantep's Messenger editors.The legal addressee of the news transmitted to our site through the agencies is not Gaziantep's Messenger, but the agency that reported the news.Sign in now, save the hassle of typing a name and email on every comment.If you don't have an account to sign in, click here to create one.By posting a comment, you agree to Gaziantep's Messenger Community Guidelines and you assume all direct or indirect responsibility for your comment.Gaziantep's Messenger cannot be held responsible for the comments written.All the news served by Anadolu Agency (AA), İhlas News Agency (İHA), Demirören News Agency (DHA), Anka News Agency (ANKA) are published as they come from agency channels, without any editorial intervention by Gaziantep's Messenger editors.The legal addressee of the news transmitted to our site through the agencies is not Gaziantep's Messenger, but the agency that reported the news.We position cookies limited to the purposes in the data policy and in accordance with the legislation.You can review our data policy for details.